My IBS-M2 won’t connect to wifi

I’m trying to connect to my home network and it keeps timing out. It shows that it’s trying to connect to our 2.4, but that’s it. It’s not a password issue either. Any suggestions?

Please check that the router is set up correctly.
Please refer to the router settings section of this post. The IBS-M2 does not have a slow blink mode, please ignore the slow blink mode section.

I just came across this after replacing my router and having the same issue.

I forgot this, but this is a really old 2.4ghz chip, one of the old ones that will not support combined 2.4 and 5ghz. Inside the Inkbird app, the combined 2.4 ad 5ghz SSID display as separate, but with the same name (this is why it is confusing). your phone will most likely be connected to the 5ghz.

you will need to access your WAP settings. they are all different but basically;

  1. activate the separate 2.4ghz channel (assuming it is like mine - same password as the combined one but with 2.4 attached to the SSID)
    On some you need to disable the combined SSID which will break them into two
  2. connect your phone to the 2.4ghz
  3. search for the IBS-M2
  4. connect it to the named 2.4ghz ssid (it will be quick this time)
  5. make sure its all working
  6. undo the changes in your WAP (turn off the separate ssids)
  7. confirm that your phone is back on the combined SSID and that the named 2,4ghz one is no longer available
  8. check the inkbird device for connection

note, this is most likely working in my scenario because I had already attempted to connect to the combined SSID and the Inkbird app had saved the password for it, once I connected to and turned off the separate 2.4ghz ssid, it was still aware of the combined one but was stuck on the 2.4ghz channel. IDK, it works.

I am more annoyed that there is no Alex / home assistant / smart home support, even though it indicate that there is.

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