Itc 308 wifi power outage

itc 308 wifi reverts back to original settings on a power outage…Is there no internal memory/back up battery to keep settings that have been selected?


The ITC-308-WIFI will save the previous settings after a power failure.
Is it possible to provide a video showing this issue to

@Tania I second this problem. It has happened to me two or three times in the last month, most recently today. I have it running a heater in my cold greenhouse with a set point of 36F. I’ve gone out to the greenhouse after a power outage has occurred and found the controller set at 77f and my heater running. Luckily I have my ventilation controlled independently but really not happy about the idea of my heater running needlessly for hours due to unreliable controller.
I swear one of the times it changed my heating difference number too, though it appears that did not change after todays outage.
I’ll try to make a video tomorrow to send in.

May I know when you purchased it?
Please send the video to
Please make sure that no water has entered the body of the ITC-308-WIFI.
Is the power (watt) of the heater and the cooler in the range of the ITC-308-WIFI?

Just sent the video along with the following info:
Trying to replicate this problem it didn’t happen every time. Took 5 or 6 tries.
The greenhouse has been at 100% humidity most of the winter but I water with a watering can and it is mounted above plant height so there should not have been any direct water ingress.
The heating output voltage of the controller is used to activate a contactor which in turn powers the heater so power draw thru the inkbird is low. My cooling is operated thru a mechanical line voltage thermostat so nothing is plugged in to the cooling outlet of the inkbird.
Purchased 11/14/22 on Amazon.

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I have also been seeing this issue sporadically and it caused me to lose a lot of product over the weekend. What was the result of the testing inkbird issue?

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Inkbird provided no solution for this problem, nor did they offer to replace the bad controller. I think it is just a random defective unit. I run two of these in my greenhouse, the second runs a heatbed heat mat. That one has never lost its programming due to a power outage. I’ve swapped my two controllers as defaulting to 77 degrees will not be detrimental to the heatbed like it would be to the greenhouse temperature.

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I contacted my colleagues at to investigate. They said they received your email and responded, but had not heard back from you.
Please check if the email from has been spammed or blacklisted by the system?
Thanks for your cooperation.

I also have a unit purchased in Oct 2022, that reset to factory defaults, as if the nvram did not hold during a power outage. Not only did the Set Temp go to 77, the High and Low Alarms were reset to the Highest and Lowest settings, preventing any alerting to the excessive temperatures in my outdoor fridge. The InkbirdSmart app (android) is also failing to control all of my units, requiring all of my units needing to be reset to connect with the newer inkbird app.

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Same here…Just found it in that condition…reset the parameters to 84 degrees. Then pulled the plug, waited 10 seconds plugged it back in and it was back to 77 degrees.

Please provide order information and problem video to email for after-sales service.

We have the same issue with the the Itc 208 loosing the 0 degree setpoint, and reverting back to the 77 degree default setting when our power goes off momentarily.
It does do this every time we have a power outage.
What is the solution to this problem??

I also have this same issue. It connected the first time to Wi-Fi without a problem and now I’m unable to connect to Wi-Fi after the power outage.

Has anyone found a solution? I’ve done all the basic things like disconnecting, unplugging waiting plugging back in.

It shows the Wi-Fi thermostat as a device and then when I try to connect to it times out. I also get a connection error if I try and connect it from the product list, please advise. It keeps resetting to 77° after the power goes out

Could you please provide the order information and video showing the ITC-308-WIFI will reset the setting after restarting it, and send it to
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