IPT-2Ch goes offline

My thermostat goes offline from my network.

It was operational for about a week. I have 2 probes monitoring 2 heat mats. Then after about 6-7 days the app indicated it was offline. Checking the device it was still keeping the desired temperatures. Although my phone [Android] was not reconnecting; it would stay offline in the app.

I attempted to reset the thermostat [holding the down + plugging in] and [3 bar option+plugging in] getting a beap. I attempted to go through the setup process but the device could not be found. I was within a few feet of my router. I also uninstalled the app and went back through the setup and had the same result.

The app instructions say the device should be blinking, but mine doesn’t have that option or I couldn’t see anything on screen.

Any suggestions, is this a bad model for Wi-Fi connecting?

Please make sure the router settings have not been changed.
If you need to reconnect IPT-2CH, please delete the offline IPT-2CH in the INKBIRD app.
Please power on IPT-2CH. Please press and hold the ‘Up’ button of IPT-2CH for 2-3 seconds to make the WIFI indicator light flash.

Please do not hold down the keys at the same time while powering on, it will reset the device instead of entering WIFI mode.