IHT-2PB Won’t power on out of the box

I just got the thermometer mentioned in the subject. And it just won’t turn on. It is plugged into a USB charger and nothing is happening.

I tried:

Opening the probe. Nothing

Connecting a probe. Nothing

Press and hold power. Nothing

Am I missing something?


If no one has contacted u. U press the piwer button for like a minute or longer. Way past the reset protocol. This resets everything, EVERYTHING so dissconnect/delete ur BT connection and start over. believe it or not thid problem that u mention does not go away so remember to do this everytime u cant connect. Its a real pain in ass and makes me wonder why I bought 3 of these. this reset works its just a pain in the ass when u want to use the probe AND NOTHING WORKS. U must “jump thru the hoops” and reset everything. OMG In the past year I must have done this 10 to 15 times. Like every freakin month.
Good luck :game_die:

Thanks for your reply! The only response I got was through the app chat. All the support emails didn’t work at all. Not sure if I have the same issue as yours, but here’s how my was resolved. And it’s a little annoying. It was completely depleted. And IT WILL NOT WORK except on a 1A charger. The only one I had was my Apple watch charger. Plugged it in and it worked in a second very strange how it won’t work with a bigger adapter. It should just draw the power it needs but this one just won’t even wake up once plugged into anything bigger than 1A. So my issue is resolved. Let’s see if anything else comes up. Thanks again. Happy cooking.