My IBS-TH3 sensor has been burning thru batteries. The batteries have been brand new but I have to replace them every 9 days
I am having the exact same problem. I thought my batteries must have been a bad batch, purchased a few new ones, same problem.
What type of batteries are using, I find only the best works the longest. The ‘bulk’ purchase ones have no life.
May I know what is the ambient temperature of the IBS-TH3?
Does it also drain quickly if using alkaline batteries?
Duracell Optimum brand new
I use Duracell Optimum and they died in 9 days. I returned this to Amazon
Same problem- 1st year long lasting batteries and 2nd year - less than two weeks. Fix: open it up and look at the separation of the two metal contacts near the lid/top (diff poles of battery connections) and notice there is a plastic separator- it’s not big enough and I had some corrosion/bridging between the two contacts, likely cause of the current drain. So far, seems better, no change yet on battery strength.
Did your fix end up working for your sensors - decent battery life now?
I have the same problem with about half my sensors…?
Also I’m not sure which part you cleaned that your saying might might causing the drain…by any chance to you have a picture.
My sensors are brand new…i doubt there is any corosion but I’m willing to check for sure.
Thank you!