Share the experience of making thanksgiving turkey

It’s Thanksgiving! :innocent: Best wishes to you and all of this community members.

Turkey is one of the signature food when having the thanksgiving meal. I never try to make this before.
As usual, I search the recipes on the Internet, looking through some FB groups and some recipe websites, and youtube videos that I can follow hand by hand.
This share is only based on my personal experience, so any suggestions I am glad to hear and I am happy to do more.
So when it comes to cooking turkey, I choose to use an oven to cook it. One thing we need to know is that we cannot only go with the sight we see the surface of the turkey skin to judge whether the turkey is done cooking. Taking its internal temperature is the most important, half of the battle is up to know this.
Then I check out the oven from time to time with my iht-1p to instant read the temperature, kind of the safest and surefire.
Relying on the meat thermometers is a good choice, here is my result of cooking the turkey.


Wonderful cooking! This is so perfect that hope I can achieve a perfect turkey meal like you! :star_struck:

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Thank you so much, happy thanksgiving!

BRAVO! i’ll try my 2pb tonight.

:smile: :+1: Ty!! Happy thanksgiving!