ITC-310 Err on screen

I went on holidays and unplugged my inkbird and the chest freezer it is attached to. When I returned and plugged it in the machine works for a few seconds and displays a temperature and turns on the freezer, but then Err shows up with a beeping sound and power to the freezer turns off. This is the second inkbird I’ve had in five years that stopped working (the last time with much more catastrophic results).
Is there a way to fix or reset it?

Please check if the ITC-310T-B is set for the time function?
If you change ‘TR’ to 0, does it still trigger the alarm?
If yes, please check that the probe is intact.
Please ensure that the temperature environment where the probe is placed is within the range of -50~120 °C / -58~248 °F. It has not been in contact with corrosive objects/liquids.
Please clean the probe and cable, and then blow it dry with a hair dryer, does it work?