Incrememtal or live downloads from temp sensor to Engbird app

Hi, my use of my IBS-TH2 temperature sesnsor is that of occasionally needing to examine the graph of recent temperatures… anywhere between 1min and 3 hours or so. Unofrtunatley, every time I want a graph update in Engbird, I have to download the IBS-TH2’s complete set of logged data, which is annoying to say the least.

If not currently possible, please add either ability:
a) live downloads, so if I leave Engbird on the graphing screen, it will regularly update the most recent data (perhaps with the update frequency of my choice).
b) for Engbird to only download data not previously downloaded. eg. if I download data at 4:10pm, then refreshing the graph should only need to download data since 4pm, rather than all records in the IBS-TH2’s memory.

Thanks, Stu.

Sorry, the IBS-TH2 is a data logger, and the mechanism is that every time it enters the chart, it reacquires the data once. This will prevent new data from conflicting with old data. So it is required to refresh the chart data to reload.
I will send these as suggestions to the engineers, but please understand that it may be difficult to implement.

Hmm, thanks again for the info… but… while I’ve not used a huge number of data loggers, I must say this is the first I’ve seen that can only download the whole log at any one time!

Regards, Stu.