Inkbird Line error

I experience on and off Inkbird smart controller Line Error. What causes this?

Please restart your device.
If it still shows ‘time error’, please provide order information and problem photos to for after-sales service.

Anche io da oggi stesso problema

Se riavvii il dispositivo e il problema persiste, fornisci le informazioni sull’ordine e le foto del problema all’e-mail per il servizio post-vendita.

If you restart the device and it still has the problem, please provide order information and a problem picture to email for after-sales service.

After restarted, 1 min later the problem again appear. How to resolve this issue?

IIC-800/ IIC-800-WIFI has a 2-year warranty.
Please send an email and provide order information & problem picture to within the warranty period for after-sales service.

I have had the same exact problem just started doing it out of the blue. Getting a replacement under warranty from reseller. He said that error means it has an internal fault.

I am still facing issues with LINE ERROR…usually after 6 months from installation.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Perhaps you could reset the IIC-800-WIFI.
To reset the IIC-800-WIFI, please unplug the power, press and hold the ‘Power’ button, then plug it back in and release the ‘Power’ button until the device powers on.
Will it work?
If it does not work, please provide your order information, a picture of the problem, and a link to this post to email for after-sales service.
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