INKBIRD IBS-P01R - Stock on CH 8

My INKBIRD IBS-P01R pool thermometer is stock on CH 8, and there are no bottom inside the thermometer to change channel. The TX bottom no longer work, the red light does not flash. I have tryed to hold the TX bottom for 5-10 sec. but then it goes to CH 7, or do nothing. Thermometer are showing temp on display. Any help ??
Kind regards from
Stig Frederiksen

Please unplug the batteries of the transmitter first, press the TX button of the transmitter, then reinstall the batteries, then press the tx button, it will flash the indicator light once, indicating that the signal is transmitting. The receiver does not need to pull the batteries, please press the CH button of the receiver once briefly. Does the pairing work?

Hi Tania

Thank You. That did the trick – it’s working again.