Product recommendation please

Hello. So I’m looking for a temperature sensor that I can submerge and leave in a 50L reservoir of water. That will monitor and send information and alarms to my mobile android phone. When I’m within same 2 story building lets say a 20 meter radius. With all your products out there. I’m struggling to isolate which product of yours would be best. Can you please point me to one? And thankyou

May I know what is the expected temperature range for detection? Is water corrosive? Is there internet-capable 2.4GHz wifi coverage in the planned installation environment?

Just plain tap water. Yes there will be full wifi. And the temperatures will be between 15 and 25 degrees celsius

Maybe you could see if the IBS-M2 & IBS-P02R-O fit your need?
The IBS-P02R-O can be put in water, it can connect to the IBS-M2 via RF, and the IBS-M2 can connect to the INKBIRD app via 2.4GHz wifi.

Or IBS-M2 & ITH-20R-O?
The ITH-20R-O has an external temperature probe that can be placed in water, it can be connected to the IBS-M2 via RF and the IBS-M2 can be connected to the INKBIRD app via 2.4GHz wifi.