INKBIRD Community Guidelines

Welcome to the INKBIRD community. If you are a regular user of the INKBIRD community, you may have noticed the changes in the INKBIRD community.

Yes! We have updated some sections which will bring more information to the INKBIRD community:

Official Website: you will be directed to the INKBIRD Official Website for information on INKBIRD products and INKBIRD brand.

Official Online Shop: If you want to buy INKBIRD official products quickly, click on it.

News & Announcements: We will publish information about INKBIRD news and products. If you want to know about INKBIRD new products, don’t miss this section!

Questions & Answers: We’ll be updating some frequently asked Q & A so that you can get help quickly and easily. Of course, you are always welcome to ask questions. We are always keeping learning and there are no silly questions but only sincere services! If you’d like to help other members with your knowledge and experience, we’d appreciate it :wink:

Deals & Giveaways: We will be posting deals & discounts on INKBIRD products and will be running occasional Giveaways, so good luck!

Share & Tips: Feel free to share your experiences and tips on INKBIRD products/life/hobbies/food recipes etc. This will help more like-minded people to reduce the problems they may face. If you find it helpful, a word of thanks, like the post and a link to share it would be a great encouragement.

We welcome you to have fun and relax in the INKBIRD community, but please be aware that:

  1. Respect. We all understand that mutual respect is important. If there is a disagreement, please be calm and polite. We are a growing community and this needs to be maintained by the peace & love of all. Messages that are abusive, offensive or discriminatory will be removed.

  2. Do not post information/discounts about brands that are not in partnership with INKBIRD. Please understand that this is the INKBIRD community and we don’t want too much irrelevant information to affect the user experience. If you are a brand party, please contact us via email, we will be happy to discuss cooperation information with you.

Some additional information you may need:

INKBIRD Official Facebook

INKBIRD Official Twitter

INKBIRD Official Instagram

INKBIRD Official Youtube

Please feel free to contact us:

For product questions & suggestions:

For business cooperation:

Cheers! :beers:


I change app INKBIRD pro to INKBIRD on my iPhone and now the ibs-m1 it do not won’t connect to my wifi. I just change app, someone can help me?

If you are already registered at the Inkbird Pro App but not registered at the INKBIRD APP, please re-register at the INKBIRD APP.
Their accounts are not universal.
After changing the app, please connect them manually.
Sorry for different app data is not universal.
Please kindly understand

发件人:“ via INKBIRD Community”
发送日期:2023-12-01 06:29:54
主题:[INKBIRD Community] [News & Announcements] INKBIRD Community Guidelines